
An effective executive coach both stretches and holds you, and supports your journey to transform goals into reality. Allison is your champion, sounding board and thought partner. She asks provocative, powerful questions to help you to become more self-aware, to reflect and share honestly, to gain clarity, and to take action.

Allison challenges you to step out of your comfort zone to take risks in service of your own growth and learning, as well as the teams and organization you lead. She will teach you to be accountable to yourself so that you may lead a life of your own design and choosing.

Success is fueled as much by personal factors as professional ones. Allison works with clients to better understand how they may be preventing themselves from achieving their full potential. She designs and employs a results-focused, collaborative process specific to each client to maximize client impact and outcomes.

Allison works with founders, CEOs, senior executives, rising stars, re-starters, and high-impact individuals. She helps successful leaders become exceptional executives who guide their teams and organizations from a place of competence, confidence and consciousness.

She partners with her clients to leverage and develop the strengths, competencies and self-knowledge necessary for successful assimilation into new and expanded roles, effective leadership, career transitions, team effectiveness, and greater ease and fulfillment. Allison works with individuals to optimize career development and create opportunities that best align with their strengths, values and vision.

Client Benefits
The process of continual renewal for individuals and organizations is ongoing, as is sustaining a competitive advantage and the grind of performance improvement. It can feel exhausting and overwhelming. Among the many benefits of working with Allison, she can help a leader to create sustainable success by:

Eliminating Tunnel Vision and Identifying Blindspots: Broaden awareness about your own behavior patterns, habits and impact, and those of your team. What are the benefits and the costs of those behaviors? How are they serving you/others? What might be more effective?

Releasing Emotions: The ability to show up as you are, without armor or protection, to be with your emotions and to share honestly relieves stress which improves mental and physical health. It also provides the opportunity to explore the truth underlying emotions and the triggers that cause them. Self-knowledge and self-management reduce stress and lead to improved interpersonal dynamics and performance.  

Receiving Feedback: Leaders often do not receive honest feedback from direct reports because it could come at a cost to their own success. Coaches not only provide honest, impartial feedback, but they also help leaders to receive and deliver clear, effective feedback in service of their own and others’ individual growth and learning.

Elevating Executive Presence: Executive presence is about how you show up in the world, how best to utilize your voice, your physical presence, and your range as a leader to most credibly communicate and achieve desired outcomes and impact. It requires developing tools and a toolkit that provides breadth and depth.

Communicating Effectively: Communication begins with active listening and a strong desire to learn (not win), and to see people as sense makers (not problems). Whether delivering or receiving feedback or engaging in productive conversations, effective communication involves clarifying intentions, checking assumptions, and considering actions and impact. The goal of communication is to share something, to learn something, and to build the relationship.

Creating Boundaries: Boundaries require attention and intention. Leaders create time and space to focus on what is most important, not simply what is urgent. They learn to say “No” to say “Yes”.

Working Smarter: Prioritize work that requires your highest and best self. Work in your zones of genius or excellence, and delegate work in your zones of competence or incompetence. Discern the difference between effective and efficient work, and break patterns that no longer serve you.

Reframing Challenges as Opportunities: Approach a problem from a place of curiosity and openness. What is the gift in this challenge? How can I learn and grow? How might the opposite of what I believe be as true?

Combating Imposter Syndrome: Identify your saboteurs and deconstruct them to reclaim your power, your confidence, and your agency. Live and lead from a mindset of abundance and opportunity rather than fear and scarcity.

Clarifying your Leadership Brand: What do you stand for? What do people recognize and appreciate about you? What is the impact of your mindset and actions on your team and organization? How consistent and aligned are your values in your professional and personal life?

Minimizing Errors:  Learn from leaders who faced similar challenges to save time, money, and the emotional toll of repeating mistakes.

Are you ready? Contact Allison, she’d love to hear from you.